Kill him and those who three others who rush to his aid. He reveals himself to be a Red Legion Bandit. There you will find the missing apprentice, Karth Hilfred.

Head inside, down the hallway, taking the first northern turn you can. Just before the entrance is another Lore Stone so be sure to visit it before you head into the dungeon. She suspects that he is hiding in Agnur Farhal, an Erathi Ruin that is to the east of Gorhart. She wants you to search for her missing apprentice, Karth. Recipe for Trouble Given to you by Nanne Hanri inside Golden Alchemy. You will get some money and be told to head for Shieldring Keep, to speak with Tine Delfric with the commendation. Either way, you can now head back to the village and report to Ost to receive your reward. The target is asleep so it is not too hard. Again, you can just move in and attack or sneak in, potentially just stealing the dagger. Kill them then get ready to handle the smaller camp. Once you get closer to your target you will encounter a trio of Red Legion bandits. You have a ways to travel with a fair number of enemies. It is very possible to sneak up and steal his dagger and leave him alive … or just kill him. Now swim across the river and then you can either sneak in, slaying those strictly in your path or just enter open combat. You will find a stream between you and the camp.If you go a little more to the east you will find a smaller encampment with the lore stone of Dalentarth, two bandits and an easy locked chest with Scarab Salts, White Flake and possible a Shadow Prism as well. Just follow the path north then break from it and continue on. The first of the brothers can be found to the north of the village. He will ask you to hunt down two Bandit leaders in the nearby woods. The Commendation Talk with Ost Ordura inside the Gorthart Inn. Now you can talk with Iluvia and learn her reasons for coming here. He will reward you with his sword and shield. Now fast travel back to Gorhart and report to Herc Adwold. Choose whichever, he will appreciate the truth and potentially smell out a lie. Galin will ask what happened to her and you can choose to tell him that either a villager attacked her or that they saved her from a bandit attack. You will find the path to the House of Ballads fairly smooth Once inside head straight ahead and talk with the first person you encounter. Just follow it as bends to the west to make it to the Faelands and toward your destination. This will lead you to a Lore Stone along the route. Follow the road north then follow it as it goes to the east. It is said to be in Gelndara to the northeast. Still, you can just make for the House of Ballads. This can tie back into the Warsworn who are downstairs. He is very concerned with the rippling effects of this woman's sudden attack. With the potion in hand, head back to Herc Adwold who is now in the Inn on the second floor. It is, in a sense, stealing but a time you can easily get away with it. Otherwise you need to find the potion which is in the desk which is in the northern part of the basement. If you have Alchemy 3, then you can make the Greater Healing Potion with: 3 Black Cohosh, 2 Embereyes & 1 Bloodroot.

You will find an Alchemy Lab you can use there. Head farther into Golden Alchemy, specifically, down the stairs to the left into the basement. Head inside and talk with Nanne Hanri to learn that one is floating around but she does not know where it is. Follow the marker to Golden Age Alchemy in the southwestern part of the village. You are now tasked with either creating or buying a Greater Healing Potion. Now ask after the potion itself, where you can either create a potion or buy one from the apothecary. Aery will want to use her to find out if potions will work on them, but it must be powerful. Talk with her about the wounded Fae to learn her name. Once there you can talk with her, learning about her history and why she came to settle here. There is also a chest to the east of the stone, which has a hard lock on it. Be sure to keep your eyes open as there is a Lore Stone, the Oradath Stone. Hang close to the cliff edge to reach Aery with minimal troubles.

Expect to find Boggarts along the path and at least one wolf. Start going to the west as soon as possible. You are tasked with finding Aery, a Fae who lives nearby. Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Walkthrough Part 4 – Gorhart Sidequests Part 1 Building Bridges Gained from the warden of the village, Herc Adwold.